In 2015, Michael Lüders wrote a seminal book on the hypocrisy of Western[1] politics in the Middle East. Allegedly driven by Western ‘liberal values,’ interventions from outside powers have been anything but constructive, leaving the region in a much worse, much more chaotic situation than before. Taking Lüders’ major claim as a guiding narrative, it […]

by Sebastian Franzkowiak 1.13 o’clock, at a roadblock on the outskirts of Tozeur, in Southern Tunisia. Armed to the teeth, two police officers enter the bus and collect all passports. After extensive scanning of the suitcases, the driver is allowed to continue the journey. I am on the night bus Tozeur-Tunis, and this is already […]

Campus Europe is excited to announce the start of its  promising initiative “Pitching Europe” in cooperation with our partner, the European Student Think Tank. As a new category on Campus Europe: We are aiming to bring together political and social youth leaders from all over Europe to share their ideas with a wider audience. Throughout […]